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Início / One hundred specialists call for WHO to change its hostile stance on tobacco harm reduction - new letter to FCTC delegates published

One hundred specialists call for WHO to change its hostile stance on tobacco harm reduction - new letter to FCTC delegates published


100 specialists in nicotine science, policy and practice have come together to call on the 182 parties (countries) to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to take a more positive stance on tobacco harm reduction.  The letter pushes back against WHO’s misguided and unscientific drive for prohibition or excessive regulation and taxation of vaping products, heated and smokeless tobacco products, and novel oral nicotine products, such as pouches.

Publication date: 
Monday, 18 October, 2021

ONE hundred specialists call for WHO to change its hostile stance on tobacco harm reduction - new letter to FCTC delegates published. The Counterfactual, Inglaterra, 18 out 2021. Disponível em: https://clivebates.com/one-hundred-specialists-call-for-who-to-change-st.... Acesso em: 1 jul 2024.

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