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Início / The Dirt Behind Big Tobacco and the Environment

The Dirt Behind Big Tobacco and the Environment


The next time you go for a walk, look at the ground. How many littered cigarette butts do you see? Chances are, more than a few. Cigarette butts are the most littered item on the planet—4.5 trillion are discarded every year. While cigarette waste may be the most visible form of environmental degradation the tobacco industry contributes to, it’s only one way the industry creates lasting damage to the environment and subsequently, the people who live in it (that’s all of us—smokers and nonsmokers alike).

place of publication: 
Publication date: 
Wednesday, 21 April, 2021

THE Dirt Behind Big Tobacco and the Environment. STOP, [s.l], 21 abr 2021. Disponível em: https://exposetobacco.org/news/big-tobacco-and-environment/?utm_source=m.... Acesso em: 3 jul 2024.

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