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Início / Keywords / Luis Guilherme Hasselmann

Luis Guilherme Hasselmann


Highlights with topics considered to be of note in order to promote debates and decision-making in the context of tobacco control. In this edition, the agenda deals with: the union of forces of institutions and civil society against the tobacco industry; reflections on the impact of smoking, with the example of Aracy Balabanian; political lobby of the tobacco industry and interference in printed and electronic newspapers such as Folha do Mate and Gazeta do Sul.


KORNALEWSKI, Alex Medeiros; CARVALHO, Alexandre Octavio Ribeiro de; BARATA, Danielle; HASSELMANN, Luis Guilherme; TURCI, Silvana Rubano. Destaques do Observatório sobre as Estratégias da Indústria do Tabaco. Cetab/Ensp/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, jul. 2023. Acesso em: 30 ago. 2023.



Highlights with topics considered to be of note in order to promote debates and decision-making in the context of tobacco control. In this edition, the agenda deals with: the Tobacco Industry's lobby for the Regulation of Electronic Smoking Devices (EDSs); tax reform: an important step for Public Health; a critical look at the tobacco industry and DEFs: a growing danger for passive smokers indoors.


KORNALEWSKI, Alex Medeiros; CARVALHO, Alexandre Octavio Ribeiro de; BARATA, Danielle; HASSELMANN, Luis Guilherme; TURCI, Silvana Rubano. Destaques do Observatório sobre as Estratégias da Indústria do Tabaco. Cetab/Ensp/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, jul. 2023. Acesso em: 31 jul. 2023.



Folheto com os tópicos considerados de destaque com o intuito de promover debates e tomadas de decisão no âmbito do controle do tabaco. Nesta edição, a pauta versa sobre: o lobby da Indústria do Tabaco pela Regulamentação dos Dispositivos Eletrônicos de Fumar (DEFs); reforma tributária: um passo importante para a Saúde Pública; um olhar crítico sobre a indústria do tabaco e DEFs: um perigo crescente para fumantes passivos em ambientes fechados.


KORNALEWSKI, Alex Medeiros; CARVALHO, Alexandre Octavio Ribeiro de; BARATA, Danielle; HASSELMANN, Luis Guilherme; TURCI, Silvana Rubano. Destaques do Observatório sobre as Estratégias da Indústria do Tabaco. Cetab/Ensp/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, jul. 2023. Acesso em: 31 jul. 2023.



Highlights with topics considered to be of note in order to promote debates and decision-making in the context of tobacco control. In this edition, the agenda deals with: deconstructing the information disseminated by the National Forum Against Piracy and Illegality; The truth about the partnership between Deputy Marcelo Moraes and the tobacco industry; Clearance of Electronic Smoking Devices (EDS): A Threat to Youth Health! and the truth behind ESG strategies: Unmasking the tobacco industry and SindiTabaco.


KORNALEWSKI, Alex Medeiros; CARVALHO, Alexandre Octavio Ribeiro de; BARATA, Danielle; HASSELMANN, Luis Guilherme; TURCI, Silvana Rubano. Destaques do Observatório sobre as Estratégias da Indústria do Tabaco. Cetab/Ensp/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, jul. 2023. Acesso em: 7 jun. 2023.



Highlights with topics considered to be prominent in order to promote debates and decision-making in the field of tobacco control. In this edition, the agenda is about: CETAB is awarded by the WHO for its achievements in tobacco control; tobacco industry interference in COP10 and MOP3: a legitimate concern; the tobacco industry and the need for taxation for tobacco control; campaign "The world needs food, not tobacco": promoting alternatives for workers.


KORNALEWSKI, Alex Medeiros; CARVALHO, Alexandre Octavio Ribeiro de; BARATA, Danielle; HASSELMANN, Luis Guilherme; TURCI, Silvana Rubano. Destaques do Observatório sobre as Estratégias da Indústria do Tabaco. Cetab/Ensp/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, jun. 2023. Acesso em: 6 jun. 2023.



This document consists of an analysis of publications on Agenda 2030 and IT CSR actions available for academic research (abstract, report, file, scientific article, review, monograph, etc.), available in traditional media (radio, television, newspapers, pamphlets , etc) and available on digital media (social networks, blogs, YouTube channels, e-mail, among others), in the period between 2012 and 2021. For the search, the following descriptors were used: (SDG) OR (ODS) OR (Agenda for sustainable development) OR (2030 Agenda) OR (Sustainable Development Goals) OR (Agenda for Sustainable Development) OR (sustainable development) AND (tobacco industry) OR (tobacco industry)) AND (corporate social responsibility) OR (social corporate responsibility) AND (Brazil) OR (Brazil).


RICHTER, Ana Paula; HASSELMANN, Luis Guilherme Hasselmann; TORRES, Raquel; TURCI, Silvana Rubano; SILVA, Vera Luiza da Costa e. Uso pela indústria do tabaco de estratégias de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa para se associar à Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável [projeto STOP]. Centro de Estudos sobre Tabaco e Saúde (Cetab), Rio de Janeiro, 13 jun. 2022. 44p.



Changes related to the interference of interested sectors and the role of the State in the economy and society are a phenomenon that has been happening worldwide in recent decades and has consequently generated discussions about the role of private organizations in public health issues (Serpa & Fourneau, 2007). A growing number of companies worldwide have been striving to incorporate corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an integral part of their business. Currently, there is no consensus on the definition of the term CSR. However, authors such as Harjoto & Jo (2011) and Cai and colleagues (2011) suggest that the definitions of CSR refer to the efforts of companies to serve the society and the environment beyond what is required of them.


RICHTER, Ana Paula; HASSELMANN, Luis Guilherme Hasselmann; TORRES, Raquel; TURCI, Silvana Rubano; SILVA, Vera Luiza da Costa e.O uso da estratégia de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) pela indústria do tabaco na promoção dos Dispositivos eletrônicos de fumar (DEFs) [projeto STOP]. Centro de Estudos sobre Tabaco e Saúde (Cetab), Rio de Janeiro, 23 mai. 2022. 61p.



The illicit trade in tobacco products represents a major global concern for public health, economy and public safety. More specifically, the illicit trade in tobacco products undermines tobacco control policy efforts, particularly in relation to tax policy. As they are not taxed or regulated, illicit tobacco products do not have health warnings or packaging or labeling requirements, which favors their consumption. As with other regions in the world, the illegal cigarette trade in Mercosur involves lower average prices compared to taxed cigarettes. Furthermore, the increase in the accessibility of cigarettes, via the informal market, combined with the lower prices of smuggled products - and therefore not subject to regulation - favors the consumption of cigarettes by young people and low-income populations 1,4.


HASSELMANN, Luis Guilherme Hasselmann; RICHTER,  Ana Paula Cardoso; TURCI, Silvana Rubano; SILVA, Vera Luiza da Costa. Uso pela indústria do tabaco (IT) de estratégias de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) para interferir no combate ao comércio ilícito [projeto STOP]. Centro de Estudos sobre Tabaco e Saúde (Cetab), Rio de Janeiro, 23 mai. 2022. 49p.