Portal ENSP - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca Portal FIOCRUZ - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Início / Keywords / tax policy

tax policy


In this edition, the following subjects are presented: flavored cigarette registration grows 1,900% in four years; Industry’s pressure changes the Central Bank's resolution and diversification index of tobacco production; Heated cigarette; Numbers of smoking in Brazil: death, illness, price and tax policy.


KORNALEWSKI, Alex Medeiros; CARVALHO, Alexandre Octavio Ribeiro de; CARVALHO, Daniel da Costa e Silva de; BARATA, Danielle; LEONEL, Filipe; TURCI, Silvana Rubano. Destaques do Observatório sobre as Estratégias da Indústria do Tabaco. Cetab/Ensp/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, jul. 2017. Acesso em: 13 jul. 2017.