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Início / Keywords / WHO





In just over a decade, the global community has made significant tobacco control progress, with some 4.7 billion people—63% of the world’s population—now covered by at least one comprehensive policy measure, a quadrupling since 2007 when only 1 billion people (15% of the world’s population) were covered.1 Despite this success, there is much to be done, particularly in the areas of policy implementation and enforcement. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one-fifth of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) consider better enforcement of FCTC measures absolutely imperative.2 Achieving this ambitious goal is dependent on several related factors: precise regulations, effective communication and engagement, coordinated monitoring and enforcement actions, and awareness of—and ability to counter— disruptive tobacco industry interference.


TOBACCO Control Implementation and Enforcement. The Union, [s.l.], May, 2022. 4p.



Novel and emerging tobacco and nicotine products—the World Health Organization labels them “undoubtedly harmful”1—will wreak significant havoc in low- and middle- income countries. Together, the particular circumstances in these countries create a perfect storm that will likely result in significant addiction, particularly among vulnerable youth. In an abundance of caution, The Union recommends comprehensive bans on these products—this includes prohibiting their sale, manufacture, importation, and exportation—as well as ensuring they are subject to TAPS (Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship) bans and SF (smoke-free) legislation.


E-CIGARETTES, Heated Tobacco Products, and the Need for Bans in LMICs. The Union, [s.l.], May, 2022. 4p.



In celebration of the World no Tobacco Day, the WHO FCTC Knowledge hub for Articles 17 and 18 has launched a campaign on the impacts of the tobacco production chain on the environment and workers' health.

Fonte: https://extranet.who.int/fctcapps/fctcapps/fctc/kh/alternativelivelihoods/news/who-fctc-knowledge-hub-articles-17-and-18-launched



Greenwashing é uma tática usada por indústrias nocivas para parecerem socialmente responsáveis, enquanto, na realidade, seus produtos e práticas de negócios estão destruindo o meio ambiente. A indústria do tabaco despeja resíduos tóxicos nas comunidades e esgota os recursos naturais. Não há nada de “verde” nisso. Mas a indústria finge que está se transformando ao fazer uma lavagem verde de sua imagem para construir influência junto aos formuladores de políticas, especialmente em países de baixa e média renda, e influenciar as políticas para ajudar os lucros das empresas de tabaco. o planeta, mas quando a indústria do tabaco o faz, também viola um tratado global de saúde pública.


SECREDOS sujos: Como a indústria do tabaco destrói o meio ambiente e esconde isso.  A Global Tobacco Industry Watchdog (STOP), [s.l.], 25 mai. 2022.



Responsible for the development of the National Health Policy in his native Pakistan, Dr. Ehsan Latif, now based in Scotland, has a long career on the boards of various public health entities and international groups in the field of lung health and tobacco control established under the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control and the World Health Organization including The Framework Convention Alliance, the Non-Communicable Disease Alliance, and most recently (2009-2017) he was senior advisor for noncommunicable diseases and director of tobacco control at the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases.


DR. Ehsan Latif: “WHO and FCTC Secretariat cannot sustain their current position”. The Vaping Today, Peru, 8 nov 2021. Disponível em: https://www.thevapingtoday.com/dr-ehsan-latif-who-and-fctc-secretariat-c.... Acesso em: 1 jul 2024.

Fonte: https://www.thevapingtoday.com/dr-ehsan-latif-who-and-fctc-secretariat-cannot-sustain-their-current-position/



"The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) was: 1 negotiated under the WHO Constitutional Mandate; 2 becoming the first convention with a modern structure with objectives in the field of Public Health, but also addressing the social, economic and environmental impact of tobacco. It currently covers more than 90 percent of the global population. It is an evidence-based treaty addressing both the supply and demand of tobacco products and reaffirms the right of all people to the highest standard of health. It guides and informs the global tobacco control agenda and is a legally binding instrument."


DECLARAÇÃO da Secretaria da Convenção-Quadro da OMS para o Controle do Tabaco e o Protocolo para Eliminar o Comércio Ilícito de Produtos de Tabaco. Secretariado da Convenção-Quadro para o Controle do Tabaco, Uganda, 2 jul. 2019.



fact sheets with the topics considered outstanding in order to promote debates and decision making in the scope of tobacco control. In this edition, the following points are presented: Observatory has a new logo; women and the tobacco industry; slavery work; Cadernos de Saúde Pública and Rock in Rio and Souza Cruz are condemned for abusive advertising of tobacco products to young people.


KORNALEWSKI, Alex Medeiros; CARVALHO, Alexandre Octavio Ribeiro de; BARATA, Danielle; LEONEL, Filipe; TURCI, Silvana Rubano. Destaques do Observatório sobre as Estratégias da Indústria do Tabaco. Cetab/Ensp/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, mai. 2021. Acesso em: 5 maio 2021.



STOP (Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products) has been producing a regular COVID-19 Monitoring Brief detailing the trends and patterns of tobacco industry behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. These documents cover corporate social responsibility, policy interference, legal challenges, tobacco worker neglect, influencing the science of smoking/COVID-19, brand marketing and more. You can find these briefings in the resources section (section 8) at the bottom of this page. Editions 11 onwards include Arabic (عربى), Spanish (Español) and French (Francais) language translations. 

Fonte: https://tobaccotactics.org/wiki/covid-19/

