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Início / Keywords / World Healt Organization

World Healt Organization


The Conference of the Parties, at its sixth session, adopted a decision to further promote implementation of Article 5.3 and its Guidelines among the Parties, especially in relation to the industry efforts to undermine tobacco control efforts internationally. The decision also notes with concern that recent experience indicates that tobacco industry strategies and tactics go beyond national borders, and recognizes the role of international cooperation in preventing interference by the tobacco industry. With its operative paragraphs, decision FCTC/COP6(14) complements recommendations of Article 5.3 Guidelines, adopted at COP3 in 2008, that call upon Parties to apply a series of measures in their national settings. Both Article 5.3 Guidelines and the Decision FCTC/COP6(14) recognize the need to monitor implementation of Article 5.3, including the monitoring of the tobacco industry interference and the measures to counteract them.


FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON TOBACCO CONTROL. Terms of reference  for tobacco industry observatories. World Health Organization, [s.l.], 2008. 6p.



Featured Research

A special issue of Drugs and Alcohol Today explores progress towards the goals outlined in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Featuring the following peer-reviewed articles by Foundation staff, grantees, and other prominent experts, the issue also describes strategies for improving the FCTC and its implementation. 

Fonte: https://www.smokefreeworld.org/cop92020-123456789/