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Início / South African Tobacco and Tobacco Products Industry 2021: e-Cigarette Industry Growing at a CAGR of Double that of Cigarettes, Cigars and Roll-your-own Tobacoo

South African Tobacco and Tobacco Products Industry 2021: e-Cigarette Industry Growing at a CAGR of Double that of Cigarettes, Cigars and Roll-your-own Tobacoo


After more than a decade of pressure from increasing government tobacco controls, a growing illicit cigarette economy and changing consumer attitudes towards smoking, South Africa's Tobacco industry was subjected to a twenty-week prohibition on the sale of all raw tobacco leaf, processed tobacco and all manufactured tobacco products under lockdown measures. This led to the industry losing significant market share to illicit cigarette sales. The industry also faced an 8% increase in excise duties and announcements of renewed government efforts to finalise further tobacco controls.

place of publication: 
Publication date: 
Monday, 6 September, 2021
Library category: 