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Início / Strategies and Tactics / Exaggerating the economic importance of the industry

Exaggerating the economic importance of the industry

'''Employment generation, tax contributions and other economic indicators are often employed by the tobacco industry to supposedly demonstrate its contributions to a country's economy. But the figures provided by the companies not only exaggerate the economic importance of this industry but also ignore the health, social, environmental and health costs entailed by tobacco and its derivatives."1.

The tobacco industry strives to interfere in the political process. It exaggerates its own contribution, expressed in terms of job creation (direct and indirect), tax contributions and other economic indicators, to the economy of a country, region, province or municipality. Economic information is not only sensational, but also ignores the negative impact of tobacco use, including the evasion of public resources used to treat millions of people who develop tobacco-associated diseases.

It tries to oppose tobacco control measures on the grounds that such measures would negatively impact the generation and maintenance of jobs and, consequently, the country's economy. With this argument, the industry creates "lobbies" against tax increases on tobacco products, predicting catastrophic consequences for its business. In fact, evidence shows that, at least so far, job losses in the tobacco sector have little to do with stricter tobacco control measures. A recent post2 highlights how the tobacco industry lobbies against taxation and tariffs on cigarettes on the pretext that reduced production costs would preserve jobs. In addition to obtaining tax advantages, the industry also reorganized and consolidated its production processes, leading to job losses in the sector. Indeed, even if their demands are met, it would not cause any species familiar with anti-smoking to threaten to close a factory or department and move elsewhere, despite their claims of social commitment and responsibility.

Economic studies reveal that industry claims about potential job losses and other economic losses resulting from stricter tobacco controls are exaggerated; in fact, such losses are negligible. If consumption falls, job losses in tobacco-dependent sectors are more than offset by increased employment in other sectors that do not harm the overall economy. 3.

October 31, 2018: FGV Projetos carried out the “Study of the Socio-Economic Effects of Regulation, by Anvisa, of the matters dealt with in public consultations nº 112 and 117, of 2010”

FGV Projetos carried out the “Study of the Socioeconomic Effects of Regulation, by Anvisa, of the subjects that deal with public consultations No. the most attractive smuggling product, relates the economic and social consequences of changing the smoker's preference. The study aims to analyze the potential economic and social effects resulting from the implementation of new restrictions on packaging and communication materials for cigarette brands, as well as the ban on their display at the point of sale and the use of ingredients in their manufacture, foreseen in Public Consultations nº 112 and 117, of 2010, published by ANVISA.

In this regard also read:

  • Countering Critics

Documento que demonstra o envolvimento da British American Tobacco em uma série de encontros de engajamento com stakeholders como parte de uma campanha orquestrada para se reposicionarem como empresas fumageiras responsáveis.


PHILIP Morris Calls for Constructive Dialogue - "It's Time to Talk". Philip Morris, Estados Unidos, 13 out. 1999. Disponível em: http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/dbh60a99/pdf Acesso em: 22 mai. 2015.


No final dos anos 1990, a Philip Morris e a British American Tobacco (BAT)iniciaram uma série de encontros de engajamento com stakeholders como parte deuma campanha orquestrada para se reposicionarem como empresas fumageirasresponsáveis.


KPMG. The project: the way forward. British American Tobacco,Estados Unidos, 15 nov. 1999. Disponível em: http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/eyb04a99/pdf Acesso em: 27 jan. 2015.


Texto informativo sobre o setor do tabaco, nas áreas da Asia e Oceania


TOBACCO MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION.Asian and Oceania. Estados Unidos, 18 nov. 1999. Disponível em: https://idl.ucsf.edu/tobacco/docs/#id=gfpd0016.Acesso em: 14 jan. 2016.


Documento anual das industrias de tabaco, relacionando os produtos existentes no mercado e como os mesmos são divulgados (modelos de embalagem, propagandas em diversas mídias e afins).


TOBACCO Retailers: anual industry directory. Tobacco Institute, Estados Unidos, 1994. Disponível em: http://beta.industrydocuments.library.ucsf.edu/tobacco/docs/#id=ysnv0041 Acesso em: 28 abr. 2015.


Documento interno da Indústria,com matéria jornalística sobre folhas de tabaco e sua plantação. O Brasil é mencionadono Documento.


REPORTS from the Leaflands.World Tobacco, Inglaterra, jul. 1994. disponível em: https://idl.ucsf.edu/tobacco/docs/#id=ffny0201 Acesso em: 3 nov. 2014.


Documento anual das industrias de tabaco, relacionando os produtos existentes no mercado e como os mesmos são divulgados (modelos de embalagem, propagandas em diversas mídias e afins).


TOBACCO Retailers almanac: annual industry directory. Tobacco Institute, Estados Unidos, 1988. Disponível em:


Projeto da British American Tobacco que versa sobre a diversificação agro industrial, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de projetos de responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC).


BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO. Growth and development around the core business. Business Project, Inglaterra, 21 nov. 1986.


relatório anual de atividades da British American Tobacco.


ANNUAL report and accounts. British American Tobacco, Inglaterra, 31 dez. 1982. Disponível em: https://industrydocuments.library.ucsf.edu/tobacco/docs/#id=pfcl0027 Acesso em:23 jun. 2015.


Correspondência que trata de pesquisa de mercado e de produção de cigarros , com fins de comercialização de acordo com a demanda dos países e das qualidades distintas de folhas secas em estufas e ao ar livre


ETABLISSEMENTS odon warland.Manufacture Royale of Tabacs, Estados Unidos, 1970. Disponível em: http://beta.industrydocuments.library.ucsf.edu/tobacco/docs/#id=xgbb0205.Acesso em: 28 abr. 2015.


Documento que define e relata algumas das interferências da indústria do tabaco.


WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION.Tobacco industry interference with tobacco control.Genebra, 2008. Disponível em: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2008/9789241597340_eng.pdf?ua=1 Acesso em:14 jan. 2014.

