fact sheets with the topics considered outstanding in order to promote debates and decision making in the scope of tobacco control. In this edition, the following points are presented: Fiocruz will house the newest WHO knowledge center; in an election year, Philip Morris aims to promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions in tobacco producing municipalities; partnerships with the tobacco industry conflict with public health interests; good news: Marvel and Netflix pledge to decrease cigarette display.
KORNALEWSKI, Alex Medeiros; CARVALHO, Daniel da Costa e Silva de; BARATA, Danielle; LEONEL, Filipe; TURCI, Silvana Rubano. Destaques do Observatório sobre as Estratégias da Indústria do Tabaco. Cetab/Ensp/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, mai. 2017. Acesso em: 13 jul. 2017.