Portal ENSP - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca Portal FIOCRUZ - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Início / Biblioteca / Imprensa



O MAR de Música nasceu com o objetivo de aproximar a linguagem musical do espaço museal, buscando possibilidades de fruição a partir das artes visuais e da música. O projeto criado em 2014 já realizou 50 edições, levando aos pilotis do MAR um público de mais de mais de 55 mil pessoas. Em 2022, o projeto realizou 10 edições com o patrocínio da BAT Brasil via Lei Estadual de Incentivo à Cultura – Lei do ICMS.


MAR de Música. Rio de Janeiro, [s.l.], [2014-2022]. Disponível em: https://museudeartedorio.org.br/atividades/mar-de-musica/. Acesso em: 14 ago. 2023..



Nesta sexta (5/8), o Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais, Emater, Sicredi e Afubra, com apoio da Prefeitura e Câmara, promovem o 3° Encontro de Produtores de Tabaco do município. O evento iniciou às 9h no Clube de Fontana Freda.


JAGUARI vai debater a cultura do fumo. Npespresso, Rio Grande do Sul, 5 ago. 2022 . Disponível em: https://npexpresso.com.br/geral/jaguari-vai-debater-a-cultura-do-fumo. Acesso em: 11 ago. 2023.



Researchers from the University of Nottingham have published a paper titled “Should IQOS Emissions Be Considered as Smoke and Harmful to Health? A Review of the Chemical Evidence.” The researchers conducted a literature review of studies examining emissions from heated tobacco products (HTPs).

Fonte: https://exposetobacco.org/wp-content/uploads/IQOS-smoke-free-doubts.pdf



Philip Morris International, Inc. (PMI) is committed to progressively eliminate child labor and other labor abuses where they are found and to achieve safe and fair working conditions on all farms from which PMI sources tobacco.

Fonte: https://www.pmi.com/resources/docs/default-source/pmi-sustainability/alp-code.pdf?sfvrsn=9303b0b5_0



Philip Morris International, Inc. (PMI) is committed to the sustainable production of tobacco to enable a consistent supply of tobacco products that meet adult smokers’ expectations and PMI’s quality and regulatory requirements. PMI defines sustainable tobacco production as the efficient and competitive production of quality tobacco in conditions that limit as much as possible the impact on the natural environment, and that improves the socioeconomic conditions of the people and communities involved in its production. Sustainable tobacco production is the logical outcome if farmers consistently apply PMI’s Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) program.

Fonte: https://www.pmi.com/resources/docs/default-source/sustainability-reports-and-policies/good-agricultural-practices-gap.pdf?sfvrsn=2fc091b5_4



In January 2016, Philip Morris International (PMI) requested Control Union to conduct an external assessment of the Burley tobacco growing operations of its supplier Alliance One Brazil (AOB) in Western Santa Catarina, Brazil. The assessment evaluated the labor practices at contracted farms, and whether these were meeting the standards of the Agricultural Labor Practices (ALP) Code. 1 Control Union (CU) also evaluated AOB’s internal capacity to implement the ALP Program and their understanding of farm practices, and how issues were being identified, recorded and addressed.

Fonte: https://www.pmi.com/resources/docs/default-source/pmi-sustainability/cu-third-party-assessment---brazil-(aob).pdf?sfvrsn=2



Duas semanas após a diretoria colegiada da Anvisa aprovar um relatório técnico que recomenda a manutenção dos produtos eletrônicos de tabaco no Brasil, a ex-diretora do órgão Alessandra Bastos, que defende a regulamentação dos dispositivos, disse, em entrevista à Rádio Gazeta, que ainda é possível reverter a decisão. Alessandra ressaltou que, caso isso não aconteça, os impactos sobre a saúde pública serão muito graves em função da expansão desenfreada do consumo pela via do contrabando.

Fonte: https://www.gaz.com.br/audio-quando-voce-tem-a-regra-tem-o-controle-diz-ex-diretora-da-anvisa/



Na sexta-feira (15) foi realizado nas dependências do Hospital São Gregório de São Martinho o ato simbólico da entrega de uma Van/Furgão Peugeot Expert. O veículo foi recebido por meio de doação da empresa Philip Morris do Brasil, de acordo com projeto social interno de renovação de frota.

O gerente de Assuntos Corporativos, Cleber Silveira, fez a entrega simbólica das chaves aos membros da diretoria do hospital. Além do representante da empresa, estiveram presentes diversas lideranças municipais e estaduais.


NOVA van é entregue ao Hospital São Gregório de São Martinho. Rádio Alto Uruguai, Rio Grande do Sul, 27 jul 2022. Disponível em: https://www.radioaltouruguai.com.br/nova-van-e-entregue-ao-hospital-sao-.... Acesso em: 10 jul 2024.

Fonte: https://www.radioaltouruguai.com.br/nova-van-e-entregue-ao-hospital-sao-gregorio-de-sao-martinho/



In just over a decade, the global community has made significant tobacco control progress, with some 4.7 billion people—63% of the world’s population—now covered by at least one comprehensive policy measure, a quadrupling since 2007 when only 1 billion people (15% of the world’s population) were covered.1 Despite this success, there is much to be done, particularly in the areas of policy implementation and enforcement. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one-fifth of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) consider better enforcement of FCTC measures absolutely imperative.2 Achieving this ambitious goal is dependent on several related factors: precise regulations, effective communication and engagement, coordinated monitoring and enforcement actions, and awareness of—and ability to counter— disruptive tobacco industry interference.


TOBACCO Control Implementation and Enforcement. The Union, [s.l.], May, 2022. 4p.



Caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), COVID-19 is an infectious disease that was first identified by the World Health Organization in late December 2019. There is significant range on the COVID-19 disease spectrum—from completely asymptomatic or mild infection to advanced disease progression that results in death. Much remains to be determined about the disease—and movement along its various stages—but there is strong evidence that certain populations are particularly vulnerable to adverse consequences and that certain underlying medical conditions exacerbate it. Smokers and smoking fall into these respective categories.


COVID-19 and Tobacco. The Union, [s.l.], May, 2022. 2p

