Portal ENSP - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca Portal FIOCRUZ - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Início / Palavras Chave / child labour

child labour


Bulletin eleven published by the Center for Studies on Tobacco and Health of the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Cetab/Ensp/Fiocruz). This edition consists of an editorial signed by Luis Guilherme Hasselmann; opinion on the re-creation of the Ministry of Agrarian Development; interview with Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva – Executive Secretary of the National Commission for the Implementation of the Framework Convention (CONICQ) and other news.


DESAFIOS e perspectivas: indústria do tabaco, saúde e agricultura familiar no Brasil [boletim ONZE]. Cetab/Ensp/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, n. 11, 19 set. 2023.





Corporate social responsibility actions (CSR) are measures and values adopted by companies to enhance their image in society. According to numerous studies, when developed by the tobacco industry (IT), these actions end up being characterized more by their interference in public health than by their commitment to society.




Philip Morris International, Inc. (PMI) is committed to progressively eliminate child labor and other labor abuses where they are found and to achieve safe and fair working conditions on all farms from which PMI sources tobacco.

Fonte: https://www.pmi.com/resources/docs/default-source/pmi-sustainability/alp-code.pdf?sfvrsn=9303b0b5_0



Duas das maiores empresas de tabaco do mundo são acusadas de lucrar com o tabaco cultivado por crianças trabalhadoras e em fazendas onde as condições forçam famílias atingidas pela pobreza a uma vida de servidão por dívidas, em um pedido feito esta semana.


CLAIM against tobacco giants by poverty stricken farmers in Malawi. Leighday, Reino Unido, 18 dez. 2020. Disponível em: https://www.leighday.co.uk/latest-updates/news/2020-news/claim-against-t.... Acesso em: 5 jul. 2021.