Portal ENSP - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca Portal FIOCRUZ - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Início / Palavras Chave / Thomas Novotny

Thomas Novotny


Project Summary
The goal of this project is to produce a white paper targeted toward decision-makers and public health advocates. It will: (1) summarize the effects of tobacco product waste on the environment and humans; (2) describe the role tobacco product waste may play in contributing to social disorder and stress in urban and disadvantaged communities; (3) describe the role of the tobacco and vape industry in producing and maintaining tobacco product waste; and, (4) include recommendations for action that focus on upstream solutions that go beyond anti-litter campaigns and ash can approaches to the tobacco product waste problem. The White Paper will coalesce existing research from peer-reviewed literature, government reports, organizational reports, tobacco industry documents, and other sources, in addition to conducting key informant interviews with subject matter experts.

Fonte: https://merg.sdsu.edu/tpwwp/




O centro de conhecimento para os artigos 17 e 18 da FCTC - OMS, sediado no Centro de Estudos sobre Tabaco e Saúde - CETAB, produziu um vídeo com a participação de Vera da Costa e Silva, consultora do Cetab, Thomas Novotny da Universidade de San Diego e Eduardo Blanco da OMS, sobre alguns aspectos do tabaco e o meio ambiente em celebração do dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente comemorado no dia 05 de junho.

Fonte: https://youtu.be/APlB3Oxgl9E