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Início / Palavras Chave / tobacco companies

tobacco companies




Some tobacco companies make financial donations or contributions to the community, health, welfare, or environmental organizations directly or through other entities. The disclosure of these corporate “socially responsible” activities to the public might be considered commendable. However, its likely effect is to directly or indirectly promote tobacco products.




Background Tobacco companies have maintained a profitable business in Singapore, despite its strong anti-tobacco climate and commitment to protect public health policymaking from tobacco industry interference in line with Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Article 5.3. This study describes how tobacco companies influence policymaking in a highly regulated environment such as Singapore’s, where there is a strong government commitment to Article 5.3.


van der Eijk Y, Tan GPP Tobacco industry’s ‘behind the scenes’ tactics in Singapore Tobacco Control 2023;32:280-286.

Fonte: https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/early/2021/08/26/tobaccocontrol-2021-056775



Duas das maiores empresas de tabaco do mundo são acusadas de lucrar com o tabaco cultivado por crianças trabalhadoras e em fazendas onde as condições forçam famílias atingidas pela pobreza a uma vida de servidão por dívidas, em um pedido feito esta semana.


CLAIM against tobacco giants by poverty stricken farmers in Malawi. Leighday, Reino Unido, 18 dez. 2020. Disponível em: https://www.leighday.co.uk/latest-updates/news/2020-news/claim-against-t.... Acesso em: 5 jul. 2021.



A Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW) se descreve como “uma organização independente e sem fins lucrativos” que foi estabelecida e “operada livre do controle ou influência de terceiros”, que “faz doações e apóia serviços médicos , agrícola e científica para acabar com o tabagismo e seus efeitos na saúde e para abordar o impacto da redução da demanda mundial por tabaco”


FOUNDATION for a Smoke-Free World People [página eletrônica em inglês]. Tobacco Tactics, Inglaterra, 28 set. 2022. Disponível em: https://tobaccotactics.org/wiki/foundation-for-a-smoke-free-world/. Acesso em: 23 mar. 2023.



Uma análise de  posts nas mídias sociais e influenciadores encontrou-se evidências que empresas de tabaco  usam hashtags criativas como  #StayAtHome# e fazem doações como  máscaras com a  marca de  cigarros eletrônicos, vapes e produtos de tabaco aquecido.


HICKMAN, Arvind.  "Big Tobacco' using Covid-19 messaging and influencers to market products. PRWeek, Reino Unido, 15 maio 2020.  Disponível em:  https://www.prweek.com/article/1683314/big-tobacco-using- covid -19-messaging-influencers-market-products. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2020.



The Brazilian Institute for Ethics and Competition (ETCO) is a non-governmental organisation that works with multinationals and trade associations from the tobacco, alcohol, soft drinks, pharmaceutical, technology and fuel distribution sectors in Brazil. ETCO was co-founded by tobacco companies and receives undisclosed financial contributions from the industry. It lobbies heavily against the Brazilian government’s taxes on cigarettes.


BRAZILIAN Institute for Ethics and Competition (Instituto Brasileiro de Ética Concorrencial). Tobacco Tactics, Inglaterra, 10 fev. 2020. Disponível em: https://tobaccotactics.org/article/brazilian-institute-for-ethics-and-co.... Acesso em: 7 ago. 2023.